Parishioners Federal Credit Union,
Torrance, CA

Single Direct Mail


Identify the best means in which to position the promotional rate signature loan in the mind of the credit union membership. The checks would have a short expiration date of 45 days from the receipt of the check within which to take advantage of the pre-approved offer.

"Instant gratification" or "instant access to what ever the member wants" was determined as the best means for positioning the overall single direct mail offer. Create copy that would communicate the positioning of “instant gratification” in the mind of the pre-approved check recipient in a clear and effective manner. Since the checks were to be mailed on June 1, 2004, the copy was created to position the signature loan as instant access to the much needed summer vacation. Naturally, the graphic design elements and images would provide a visual for reinforcing this message.

Campaign Goals:

Increase signature loan portfolio by $225,000 through a single direct mailing of individual $5,000 pre-approved checks to that segment of the credit union membership with A+/A FICO scores. Further refine the recipients of the direct mail so as to ensure that it is sent to those individuals most likely to respond to the offer in order to meet the goal. The initial group of A+/A FICO score was further revised to exclude individuals above the age of 55 and below the age of 30. These segments of the consumer population will more than likely utilize pre-approved checks as a safe and "hassle-free" alternative to cash or personal checks. This segment of the credit union population (1,800) were sent the checks on June 1, 2004 with a short expiration date of 45 days so as to further entice them to quickly respond to the offer.

Campaign Execution:

A pre-approved check and envelope were designed and mailed to the targeted 1,800 members of the credit union between the ages of 30 -- 55. To promote the vacation theme, Cuadpro? created the head-line of "All Signs Point To A Great Summer" incorporating images of signs disclosing various vacation destinations.

Response RateNumber of ResponosesNew LoansReturn on Marketing Investment